How does MRI help me and my medical team?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is one form of imaging modality used by physicians to obtain clinically useful diagnostic information. In corporating advanced technology it produces images of anatomy without the use of radiation (required with other imaging modalities, such as x-ray and CT scanning.

The benefits of magnetic resonance imaging are many and new applications are beign continually developed through ongoing research. The procedure is used for all parts of the body and is effective in the clinical evaluation of the following conditions:

  • Brain disorders
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Eye abnormalities
  • Spine diseases
  • Tumor detection
  • Liver and other abdoninal diseases
  • Knee, shoulder and extremities’ injuries
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Facial / Neck abnormalities
  • Infection
  • Blood flow and vessel disorders


MRI images are formed when signals emitted by body tissue are processed by software and turned into clinical images.

These images are generated using a safe magnetic field in combination with radio waves of a specific frequency. Different tissue characteristics are translated into different contrast levels on the image.

MRI is a non-invasive procedure with no known side effects, and painless.

A knocking sound will be heard from the machine, which is simply the imaging process in operation.

How do I prepare for the MRI exam?

No special preparation is required prior to the MRI exam.

  • You may eat normally and go about your daily routine
  • Continue to make any medication prescribed by your doctor unless otherwise directed.

Prior to entering the scan room for your exam you will be asked to leave the items that are not compatible with a magnetic field in a safe place outside the scan room. Some of these items are:

  • coins
  • removable dentures
  • hair pins
  • jewelry
  • credit cards
  • hearing aids
  • watches
  • keys
  • glasses
  • piercing
  • other metal objects

Please discuss with the technologist if you have had any brain, ear, or eye surgeries or if you have any of the following:

  • Pacemaker
  • Neurostimulator (TENTS unit)
  • Metal implants
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Aneurysm clips
  • Surgical staples
  • Implanted drug infusion device
  • Foreign metal objects
  • Shrapnel or bullet wounds
  • Permanent eyeliner

Once you are situated on the table, make sure you are comfortable so that it is easy to remain still for the duration of the examination. Breathe normally, once the examination has begun, you will hear a knocking sound that represents changes in the magnetic field. This is a normal part of the imaging process.

At the conclusion of the exam, the technologist will assist you out of the scan room.